The team has just returned from winter break feeling refreshed and ready to start work again. While juggling finals and the impending break, our members got started on the manufacturing stage of FE12.
Thank you for all the support on our Fall Into Gear November Crowdfund! We raised $6100 over the month, surpassing our goal. Thank you so much to everyone who donated!
This month has kept us busy with outreach events and design progress! We recently launched our Brand 2.0 on Instagram. We are aiming to keep our brand image consistent with new fonts, colors, and themes; check it out!
The UC Davis Involvement Fair occurred on October 9th on the Memorial Union Quad. Along with many other clubs, we recruited a lot of new members for this season. Our successful recruitment season has led us to secure 177 active members this year! Thanks to everyone who showed an interest in our team!
This month was busy for our whole team! With the fall quarter in session and members back on campus, there is so much to look forward to and reflect on. Here’s a quick reminder that we are now halfway through the design phase! After the design review early in the month, the team is finalizing design decisions and aiming to complete all CAD projects by the next design review on October 12th.
This past month we’ve made the important decision to make data-driven designs the teamwide focus of how we run things here at FRUCD. We are taking full advantage of last season’s data to create a lighter, faster, and more efficient car. Our teamwide efforts ensure that data analysis improves design concepts as efficiently as possible.
The 2024 FSAE competition has ended with successful results for our team! For the first time since 2019, we have passed all technical inspections and competed in all four events. Last year we ranked second to last, but this year has set an upward trajectory with our team ranking 22 out of 79 teammates. Congratulations to all team members for their hard work this year paying off! We have improved so much over the past year and we greatly look forward to what our next competition has in store.
Welcome to the April newsletter! FRUCD has been doing such great work this past month, and there's so much to talk about with all the events and achievements we've had.
I guess it's best to start with the elephant in the room...
We are so proud to have made this car - we not only finished manufacturing the car, but also in record time! This is the first time since the pandemic that we have been able to finish our car by Picnic Day!
Welcome to the March FRUCD newsletter, this month has been super productive and we can't wait to share with you all of our progress leading up to Picnic Day! This spring break, many of our members stayed in Davis to help continue manufacturing the car, assembling some components together.
To begin on the operations side, we have not only been working on the newsletter, but also on merch orders! We have exciting new designs to share out to the world, so keep an eye out for some of our FRUCD merch. ;)
It's February - love is in the air, and FRUCD is quite in love with FE11's progress. As we approach the end of the month, it's time to get our newsletter updates out! So far we're making steady manufacturing progress, hoping to complete the car by Picnic Day.
As we wrap up February, consider sharing your love with FRUCD. The crowdfund is closing soon, but there’s still time to donate to help get our team members to competition in Michigan!
After a restful winter break, our team is back and busy! To start the quarter off strong, our new members were given a tour of our off-campus location at Inventopia, led by our aerodynamic manufacturing and composites lead, Brandon. Inventopia is a UC Davis venture program which provides tech resources to startups at a more accessible price point. We’ve also recently taken our first team pictures with our 2024 team, as seen above. New polo shirts are pending, we can't wait to show them off in future photos!
Our 2023-24 Crowdfund for the month of October is now over! We want to shoutout all of our supporters during this Crowdfund run, your generosity helped us raise $2,505, 125% of our goal!
Furthermore, we reached 84% of our $3,000 stretch goal. We couldn't thank you all enough for your donations which will fuel us for the rest of the season. With that being said, make sure to keep an eye out on our socials for any FRUCD updates and we can't wait to see you on a future track day!
We would like to start by saying thank you to all of our wonderful supporters and donators. Without your help, we wouldn't be able to keep the team running.
Our Crowdfund will still be up for the remainder of the month, therefore, if one would still like to join us on our car-building journey and donate, we would appreciate it heavily. We are aiming for a stretch goal of $3000!
As the fall leaves decorate the Davis paths, FRUCD is getting ready for a new season with high hopes. This year marks our 11th season as FRUCD, and we hope to make it one to remember.
With that being said, these 11 seasons have only been possible due to the support of our generous professors, team advisors, and donators! For that reason, we have now posted our new Crowdfund donation page for the 2023-24 season. This year, we are eager to improve upon last year's shortcomings and bring a winning car to the FSAE Electric competition in Michigan.