Reaching the Finish Line

Our 2023-24 Crowdfund for the month of October is now over! We want to shoutout all of our supporters during this Crowdfund run, your generosity helped us raise $2,505, 125% of our goal!

Furthermore, we reached 84% of our $3,000 stretch goal. We couldn't thank you all enough for your donations which will fuel us for the rest of the season. With that being said, make sure to keep an eye out on our socials for any FRUCD updates and we can't wait to see you on a future track day!

Holy Cow! We did it!

Wow! Triple digits, 100%! We did it, team.

We would like to start by saying thank you to all of our wonderful supporters and donators. Without your help, we wouldn't be able to keep the team running.

Our Crowdfund will still be up for the remainder of the month, therefore, if one would still like to join us on our car-building journey and donate, we would appreciate it heavily. We are aiming for a stretch goal of $3000!

With love,


Did Somebody Say Crowdfund?

As the fall leaves decorate the Davis paths, FRUCD is getting ready for a new season with high hopes. This year marks our 11th season as FRUCD, and we hope to make it one to remember.

With that being said, these 11 seasons have only been possible due to the support of our generous professors, team advisors, and donators! For that reason, we have now posted our new Crowdfund donation page for the 2023-24 season. This year, we are eager to improve upon last year's shortcomings and bring a winning car to the FSAE Electric competition in Michigan.