Amazing Events and Even Better Welding
February 2025 Newsletter
February has been a short but packed month here at FRUCD. We had many amazing outreach events this month, including lectures, company events, and socials!
Dr. J. Zhou from SAE International gave an amazing lecture to our team on AV and EV reliability. At this meeting our teams had the opportunity to learn about autonomous and electric vehicles as we move towards a future with more sustainable transportation. It is always exciting to learn more about these topics in commercial and racing vehicles and how we can apply them to our learning here at FRUCD!

This month, we also saw a private career night with Sandia National Laboratories. Our team members connected with industry professionals and explored future careers with this research and development laboratory.

Our February Crowdfund, Driven By Heart took place this week as we raised funds to send more members to competition. Thank you to all of our donors! We all appreciate your support!
Lastly, for events, this month was Engineering Week at UC Davis, meaning clubs and organizations that center engineering had the opportunity to host socials and other events to teach more people about their club! FRUCD hosted a DIY car social, in which attendees got to make a racing car out of cans. Thanks to everyone who attended!

In other news, chassis has finished adding all suspension tabs, drivetrain tabs, and aero tabs. After welding on the floor tabs, GLV tabs, and a few other pieces, the chassis will be ready to send out to Lux Powder Coat, who has once again offered to powder coat the chassis this year. Many thanks to Lux Powder Coat for their generosity. So much welding has been done this month, showing how far the car has come!

Although February was short, a lot has happened, and we can’t wait to see what’s next! We look forward to even more socials and outreach events in the future, so keep in touch on our Instagram if you are interested! We hope your month was as fulfilling as ours!